Dressage Clinic ~ Online Booking Guide
Cost & Payment:
Advantages of entering online:
- Entering online enables us to deal with your booking(s), efficiently, accurately and professionally
- You don't pay until your entry is acknowledged and confirmed
- Payments are made through the [PayPal] secure transfer service
- You don't have to be a member, simply use a credit card or debit card
- All payments are recorded, protected and confirmed
Online Steps:
- Go here...View & Book Classes ►
- Enter the requested details
- Press the [Send] button to submit your booking request
- Do not make any payments at this time
- We will contact you to confirm your booking
- Submit your confirmed booking payment here Payments ►
Online payments should only be made following our acknowledgement of your booking.
We confirm all bookings (including entry, class allocation, event and payment detail).