Classes are abbreviated into the following groups and subgroups...
Junior... (Jnr) ~ Rider under the age of 16 years on the first of January of this year
Senior... (Snr) ~ Rider 16 years and over on the first of January of this year
Veteran... (Vtn) ~ Horse/Pony 15 years or older on the first of January of this year
Open... (Opn)
Restricted... (Res)
HorsConcours... (HoC)
Caller... (Clr)
Previous [awarded, credited, recorded] placements may prohibit your choice. Read the criteria below carefully...
Any combination (rider with horse/pony) may conditionally* compete in any class (* see next bullet point)
If a combination (rider with horse/pony) has already been awarded first place in an HDG event, in the current year, they cannot enter that class again in the current year and should consider a valid alternative class, or ride Open, or HorsConcours. Where classes are low in numbers or a horse/pony is inexperienced, exceptions may be made at the discretion of the show organisers
A rider can enter up to three classes per horse/pony
A horse/pony can enter up to three classes per event
HorsConcours (HoC) : Any combination CAN enter
Open (Opn) : Any Int; Pre; Nov; Ele combination CAN enter
Restricted (Res) : Any Int; Pre; Nov; Ele combination who have already been awarded first place in a particular category, at an HDG event, in the current year, CANNOT enter that category again, in the current year
Be mindful, graceful, helpful, faithful, playful, tasteful, thoughtful, grateful.