A: A full schedule, including class entrant times is published on our website on the Thursday evening preceding each event. Alternatively, call [07974 756966] or contact the Event Secretary ►
A: We operate in compliance with the standards of the official British Dressage controlling body and apply their regulatory guidance in the execution and delivery of all dressage services
A: Notifying us of your circumstance will ensure organisers, competitors and the event are not inconsiderately disrupted or delayed. If you are unable to compete in any entered class, are running late, or cannot attend, you should immediately call [07974 756966] or contact the Event Secretary ►
A: A rider declaring themselves HorsConcours pays the same entry fee, receives a bridle number, but is judged and scored alongside their competing group privately
A: All dressage is ridden and judged on one of the outdoor competition arenas
A: Preparation and warm up is executed on the outdoor cushion compound arena
A: The maximum number of subscribed entrants per class is fifteen
A: Callers are allowed, simply tick the [Yes] button on the View & Book Classes ► form
A: Class entry closes on the Monday before the scheduled event
A: Late entries may still be accepted at the discretion of the organisers
A: Late entries are subject to a discretionary £1.50 administration charge per class
A: Fully refundable cancellations must reach us by the Monday before the scheduled event and are conditional on your speaking to and notifying a member of our staff either directly or via telephone
A: Cancellations via eMail or postal services are unacceptable as they may fail to arrive in time or at all
A: Payments via PayPal (directly or by debit/credit card) incur a small refund fee
A: Our refund charge (including PayPal and HDG administrative costs) is £5.00
A: Full refunds are only given in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of HDG and organisers
A: Full refund claims should be made by post and include any documentation supporting your claim
(i.e. vet or doctor certificate; extenuating circumstances; justification; complaint; empathy, etc...)
A: Food and refreshments are generally available for purchase at events
Hastingwood House
Hastingwood Road
Harlow, Essex CM17 9JX
Telephone: 07931 566644
eMail: enquiry@hastingwooddressagegroup.co.uk